MSP(Minimum Support Price) AND PROCUREMENT

What is The Procurement Regime in INDIA ?

  • It plays a role to guide the cropping patterns and incentivize production,whereas MSP serves as a Procurement Price and is used as a market price benchmark.
  • There are 23 commodities which are notified by Goverment of India,which includes:-
  1. 14 kharif,
  2. 7 rabi,
  3. 2 calendar year season crops.
  • Apart from These 23 crops,Government also notifies Fair and Remunerative Prices (FRP) for sugarcane and jute.
  • Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) is an independent body which gives recommendation over MSPs to Government.




,Nigerseed,Cotton and Ground Nut

RABI CROPS Wheat,Barley,Gram,Masur,Rapeseed,Mustered Seed and Safflower
OTHER CROPS Jute and Copra

The existing procurement mechanisms by the government are implemented under:

Price Support Scheme (PSS): Applicable in case of MSP notified crops.

Market Intervention Scheme (MIS): To support commodities, for which MSPs are not notified - fruits/vegetables/other horticultural products.

Price Stabilization Fund (PSF): A scheme to protect consumers from rising prices.

Food Corporation of India operations for Central Pool: Wheat and Paddy is procured to meet buffer norms and for meeting targets of the public distribution system


Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay SanraksHan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) is an An umbrella scheme initiated to further ensure benchmark prices to the farmers for their produce.Key components include:

  • Price Support Scheme (PSS): In Price Support Scheme PSS, physical procurement of pulses, oilseeds and Copra will be done by Central Nodal Agencies with proactive role of State governments.
  • Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS): Under PDPS, direct payment of the difference between the MSP and the selling/modal price will be made to pre-registered farmers selling his produce in the notified market yard through a transparent auction process. All payment will be done directly into registered bank account of the farmer. This scheme does not involve any physical procurement of crops.
  • Pilot of Private Procurement & Stockist Scheme (PPPS): In addition to PDPS, it has been decided that for oilseeds, states have the option to roll out Private Procurement Stockist Scheme (PPSS) on pilot basis in selected district/APMC(s) of district involving the participation of private stockist.

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