My journey of becoming a sketch artist

Welcome everyone to my inaugural blog post!

                           I am sharing my journey of becoming a Sketch artist, today. I will try to cover some basic things by answering the when and why did I start sketching and how I nurtured my drawing skills with the course of the time.

When did I begin to draw?
    It all started,when I was in 7th standard. As we all know at that age we are attracted to so many different activities like cricket, video games to drawing. Well,I was very fond of almost all the mentioned activities. But drawing was the activity, which influenced me the most.

Why did I start drawing sketches?
                         It is the interesting and somewhat funny question to be answered because it has a little lively story. Being a student of 7th or 8th standard students, we all had a feeling of competitiveness and for an average student like me it was never for studies or to secure the toppers tag in the class. I was always intimidated with the other activities and always tried to do best in extracurricular activities, whenever there use to be some sort of competition like singing,dancing or even general knowledge, I used to try my best to perform well and impress my fellow classmates and teachers.I still remember there was a time when several students in my class, started drawing Sketches and every day they use to come up with the new sketch, it was like a wave. It was that time,when I thought of drawing sketches and tried it for the first time. My first sketch was a character of Japanese cartoon named Dragonball Z's hero, Goku!. Everyone was quite impressed by my artwork and appreciated me so much that I got the motivation and self-confidence. I never looked back since then and never stopped either. I started drawing regularly and with the passage of time it became an important part of my life.

How did I nourish and fine-tune my drawing skills?
                              As I mentioned that I started drawing regularly and we all are well aware of the saying "practice makes a man perfect". So it was only the practice which helped me refine my skills of drawing. Consistency and patience are the two most important factors which must be taken into consideration if you want to acquire such type of skills. I have drawn almost 500+ sketches till date and it includes from very simple one's to the complex one's, which I will share with you people in the future. I will also share the stories related to the particular sketches and the tricks and methods which I used in drawing them.

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